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This package has a minimum order total of $225. The price won't increase until your package exceeds $225.  Adding items (stipple, colors) to the order increases the package price.


After your package is purchased and payment is recieved, you will recieve an paid invoice of your build package.  A email from American Armory LLC will follow confiriming all selections and detailing your lead time.  

The modifications done are made to improve the functionality the firearm.  Everything done at American Armory LLC has a purpose behind it and that purpose is to improve the shooter through the firearm.  Stippling is a permanent modification to the frame of your Glock pistol. American Armory LLC offers many options and only a hand full are listed.  You can view more through our gallery.  We also offer logos and various laser stippling and patterns which are not listed here.  Leave comments if you are interested in any of those.  American Armory LLC takes great pride in our work we strive for perfection and are dedicated to providing quality service. 


Any additional add-ons mentioned in the comments can incur charges. You will be notified if that is the case and an invoice will be sent upon agreement.



Stippling available: Laser Engrave Carry Melt, Velco, Sprinkles, Dimples, Aggressive Melt.  We have various other stipple patterns if you would like something different please reach out to us prior to placing an order.

Colors available: Flat Dark Earth, Olive Drap, Black, MC5 Aged Bronze, EOTech FDE, Urban Dark Earth, WWII OD Green.  Many other colors are available please send email for other colors.


Gen 4 or Gen 5 model orders will be added to a waitlist and you will be notified when they are in stock.



    Firearms cannot be shipped to your home.

    Your items must be shipped to a licensed FFL.

    To find the closest FFL to ship to,

    use the Gun Broker Database by clicking the button.

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